Friday, July 27, 2007

Wireless Credit Card Machines

Credit Card Debt: How To Get Rid Of It.
By Greg Mee

This method is simple, but requires some discipline.

First, you have to stop any new spending on your cards.

Second - you'll need to examine all of your spending. You'll
need to know how much extra money you'll be able to put towards
paying off your cards.

Credit card companies generally determine the minimum payment
to be 2 - 2.5% of the outstanding balance. So if you owe
$1,000, for example, your minimum payment will be 20 - $25 per

Some part of that $25 goes to the interest on the balance, some
to pay off the actual balance. How much goes where depends on
the interest rate. Your credit card statement will give you the
exact numbers.

Let's say that $20 of the $25 goes to the actual balance. To
pay off $1,000 at $20 per month will take 50 months. Just over
four years. You'll also have paid $250 in interest alone.

Here's how you pay them off:

Look at the interest rates on all your credit cards. Take the
one with the highest rate. That's the one you're going to work
on first and we'll call it card #1.

After examining your spending you may have found some money to
put towards your payments. All of this extra money to pay off
your card debt goes to this one card. The idea is to pay as
much extra to card #1 as you can. Until it's paid off.

Pay the minimum balances on all the other cards until card #1
is done.

Then take the card with the next highest interest rate and add
to its payment the total of the payment you were making to card
#1. In other words, send the regular monthly payment you used to
send for card #1, plus any additional amounts that you used to
pay on card #1, plus the monthly minimum for card #2- all to
card #2. Do this until card #2 is done.

Then take the total you were paying to cards #1 and #2 and add
that to the payment on card #3, and so on.

Here's an example:

Let's say you have four, maxed out, credit cards. Each with a
balance of $5,000 ($20,000 total.)

Say the minimum payment on each card is $100 (yours may be
different) making your monthly minimum payment total $400.

Now let's say you have $500 per month to pay these off, which
you found through analyzing all your spending.

Card #1 has the highest interest rate and you'll send $200 per
month to that card and pay the minimums ($100) on each of the

And you're not adding any new spending.

The extra $100 you're sending in to card #1 goes to the actual
balance of the card, not the interest. This will let you pay
that card off a lot faster. You might be able to kill this card
in two years, instead of 5.

Eventually, card #1 is dead. The entire payment, $200, that you
were making to card #1 gets added to the payment on card #2, for
$300 total. ($100 minimum plus the extra $200 from card #1.)

The balance on card #2 will be less than $5,000 since you've
been making your minimum payments all along. Adding the $200
from card #1 to the payment of $100 that you've been making to
card #2 will make this card go away much faster than the first
card did.

When card #2 is gone you take the $300 per month that you were
paying to #1 and #2 and add it to the payment on #3, which will
now be $400/month.

When #3 is done you repeat the procedure for card #4, but now
you're sending the whole $500/month to that one card.

Obviously this system will take years, but at the end of that
time you have:

* Four dead cards (hopefully you cut most of them up,)
* Spending and budgeting discipline earned from going through
the whole process, and
* $500/month to put into a savings account or where ever.

Good luck!

About the Author: Written by Greg Mee. For more help on
handling credit card debt visit


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wireless Credit Card Machines

Credit Card And Loan Apr…some Points Of Interest
By Terry Till

When choosing to have a credit card or credit arrangement how
many of us take an interest in the APR or look into how much
our borrowing will cost us over the year that we have a credit
amount outstanding.

The APR or annual percentage rate that is used for a credit
card or credit facility is our guideline as to how much
interest we will be paying to the financial lender on the money
we borrow. With the competition nowadays to offer us credit on
all matter of consumables we can all to easily forget that what
we sign for today on a credit card or credit arrangement will
inevitably cost us considerably more than the original purchase
price if we don’t make some preliminary investigations into the
total cost of the item including the financial lenders

So when making your next purchase using a credit card, or any
other credit arrangement, be sure to enquire first what the APR
is and what the total cost of the item will cost you including
the interest.

As a basic guideline obviously the lower the APR is, the
smaller the amount of interest charged should be, however it is
always wise to ask for a full quotation of the total cost in
writing when ever possible.

Also check what APR your current credit card is charging and
make the time to see what better offers are being made by the
other financial institutions, it is not uncommon nowadays to
find interest rates now being offered from 0% to the high 20%
range. Again it is also well worth asking how long the interest
rate being offered is guaranteed for as some companies may offer
an attractive introductory rate for a short period of time which
when reverted back to their normal rate may be far more
uncompetitive than others available.

About the Author: Copywrite 2005 Terry Till


Friday, July 20, 2007

Wireless Credit Card Machines

Virtual Credit Card Terminals
By []Kent Pinkerton

Virtual credit card terminals are the best means for processing credit card payments. They are perfect for any business that accepts credit card payments by phone, fax or e-mail. Virtual credit card terminals are a safe, browser-based interface that allows you to authorize, process, and manage credit card transactions, using any computer with an Internet connection. You do not need a physical credit card terminal.

As they reduce complexity and expenses, virtual credit card terminals are suitable for businesses of all sizes. They are commonly used in utility companies, mail order businesses, call center operations, newspapers and magazines, insurance companies, charities, and service companies. With virtual credit card terminals, you can manually enter credit card transactions for mail or phone order sales, refund money to a customer's credit card, automatically bill customers for recurring charges, check the status of transactions, run a variety of reports, and capture previously authorized transaction.

Virtual terminals are software-based credit card terminals enabling you to quickly capture and authorize credit card transactions in real time. When the process is complete, the merchant receives an authorization number and the server stores the transaction details. Transactions are automatically settled at the end of the day and the reports are generated within two to three business days.

Compared with POS (point of sale) terminals, virtual credit card terminals are very fast. Other features of virtual credit card terminals include address verification service, customer and merchant email notifications, recurring payments, and detailed reporting capabilities. Automatic item sub-total calculation, credit card swipe card option, automatic tax calculation, automatic shipping calculation, item discount calculator, billing and shipping data fields, and coupon or rebate calculator are the added features of virtual credit card terminals.

Unlike other software packages, virtual credit card terminals do not need licensing fees and fees for upgrades and customer service. The cost is always associated with authorizing and processing of credit card transactions. Most software-based credit card terminals utilize flash memory to store the software. []Credit Card Terminals provides detailed information on Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Terminal Systems, Wireless Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Processing Terminals and more. Credit Card Terminals is affiliated with []Credit Card Processing Software.

Article Source:

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wireless Credit Card Machines

Do You Need Credit Card Processing Services?
By Shane Penrod

Are your customers asking for credit card processing services?
If so, you may want to consider adding this service to your
company’s Website in order to provide convenient payment
methods that will bring back repeat business. Many companies
today are moving more toward e-commerce, which means that if
you want to avoid getting left behind, you should get ready to
join the throng of professionals who are marching into the
electronic age of doing business.

Although you may have relied on cash transactions up to now,
you might find that is becoming more cumbersome to make correct
change, accept checks that could bounce, and track delinquent
payments, all while keeping track of each and every
transaction. Farming out some of these tasks to hired help can
be costly, which is why you may be able to benefit from credit
card processing services. If you conduct business onsite at a
primary facility, you can plug in a credit card processor and
start taking credit payments immediately, which are far less
likely to bounce than personal checks.

But you will first have to open a merchant account before
establishing credit card processing services. Look for a
longstanding bank with a solid reputation, one who currently
offers merchant accounts to dependable business owners like
you. Then be prepared to provide the required documentation
that shows a stable credit history and a reasonable business
plan that depends on credit card processing services. Upon
approval, which can come within a few days, you will be able to
purchase or rent credit card processing equipment and start
accepting credit payments from your customers.

Credit card processing services can be established at your
company’s Website. You do have a Website, don’t you? If not,
that is the second important step into the 21st century that
your company needs to take. Hire a Web designer or sketch a few
ideas yourself. It need not be fancy or sophisticated, but
rather a basic outline of your company’s services or products
along with basic operating information. Then you will need to
register a domain name for a small fee and then pay monthly
“rental” fees to post your site in cyberspace. Hiring a
designer or someone to maintain and update your site will cost
a little more, although often you can find a high school or
college student who can do this type of work at nominal cost.
When your site is up and running and your merchant account is
approved, you are ready to open the Website doors to current
and new customers for business. They can browse at their
convenience and pay by credit card without human assistance at
each juncture. You can make money and save money at the same

If your company is growing, your customers are asking about
credit payments, or you want to move forward with your business
plan, give some thought to opening a merchant account, setting
up an attractive Website, and adding the convenient, customer
service option of credit card processing services.

About the Author: Shane Penrod is the founder of Specializing in allowing merchants
the ability to shop and compare multiple quotes from national
merchant account providers. For free quotes on merchant account
rates and fees, please go to


Friday, July 13, 2007

Wireless Credit Card machines

The Cost of Leasing a Credit Card Machine
By []Jamie Estep

Leasing credit card machines and equipment is a common practice for many new business owners. When a business starts out, they are often met with a barrage of telemarketers and companies offering to help them to accept credit cards. Because of the new business owner's extremely busy schedule and lack of knowledge regarding the credit card processing industry, owners are often convinced that leasing a credit card terminal is the best solution for their business.

In reality, leasing a credit card machine is far from the best interest. For most businesses, a simple swipe and print credit card machine is a perfectly acceptable method of accepting credit cards. What many new business owners fail to do, is investigate the actual price of a new credit card machine. What they would find is that the outright purchase of a credit card terminal is often a completely reasonably priced purchase, and usually is many times less costly than a lease. What would cost them two to three hundred dollars to own, can cost them thousands of dollars to lease. Money is very tight, especially during the startup phase of a business, and the extra money spent on leasing a credit card machine is most definitely better suited elsewhere.

Leasing credit card equipment became a standard in the eighties and early nineties, when the lack of consumer knowledge and a growing processing industry led to the portrayal of high priced processing equipment. During this time fifty dollar per month leases were not uncommon. Since the creation of the internet, consumers have access to a vast amount of information. Processing companies can no longer easily inflate the costs of processing equipment. Now, new business owners are virtually the only group susceptible to getting scammed into a lease. This is due mainly to time constraints and a lack of research on their part.

Leases do still play a role in obtaining credit card equipment, but should only be considered when the required equipment is very high priced. Wireless terminals, while becoming more affordable, can still be a considerable investment. Wireless terminals can still cost over a thousand dollars to purchase which is definitely a significant amount of money. Leasing a wireless terminal can alleviate some of this cost, but business owners should still be aware that they will pay more than the cost of the terminal in the end.

Leases also often come with strings attached, or more appropriately a web of strings attached. Lease commonly last for thirty six to forty eight months, but can be in any increment from twelve months up to forty eight. The shorter the lease, the higher the monthly payment. Leases are also normally non cancel-able for the duration of the lease. There may be considerable penalties for canceling a lease before its term is up. Leases are not always for ownership of the equipment, and hefty buyout fees can occur at the end of the lease. Some leases start over at the end of their term, and the business only has a short window to opt out of the lease. Businesses should be aware of the terms governing the lease before they even contemplate signing it. Signing a lease without fully understanding what is involved in it and fully calculating the cost of the lease can be an extremely expensive mistake.

Enter your lease information into the lease []cost calculator to find out how much extra leasing will cost you compared to purchasing.

Copyright 2006 Jamie Estep, The Merchant Account Blog.

Jamie Estep runs the website: ( []The Merchant Account Blog) and offers information and advice on topics relating to credit card processing. The Merchant Account Blog also has a lease cost calculator where businesses can compare the costs of an equipment lease to purchasing a terminal outright. ( []Credit Card Terminal Lease Calculator)

Article Source:

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wireless Credit Card Machines

Want A Cheaper Finance For Your Vehicle? Try Secured Automobile
By Maria Smith

The usual modus operandi in most automobile purchases is as

Step 1: Recognize the urge for an automobile.
Step 2: Check the bank balances.
Step 3: Head for the purchase provided the second step gives a
positive result.
Step 4: If the second step gives a negative result, take an
automobile loan.

This will be rated as the most logical sequence of events by
most people unless they acknowledge the fact that they can save
hundreds of pounds by planning the automobile loan in a more
systematic manner.

Recognizing the need for an automobile:
The first step will always be to concede that there actually is
a need for a car or any other vehicle. The prices of vehicles
have heavily come down. But they still continue to be treated
as a luxury item. The desire to have a vehicle will always be
there. People wrongly try to push desires as a need. Need
emerges because of a difficulty being faced by the borrower.
Only if a need is recognized must one go to the second process.

Check for capability:
The automobile certainly would not come for free. One must have
the capability to repay the value of the vehicle purchased. Fat
bank balances are not always required. Taking a secured
automobile loan allows investment in more productive uses while
making you the proud owner of a vehicle.

There is no need to get disheartened if you do not fulfill the
qualifications. Every lender has a different lending policy.
Given the numerous lenders offering mortgages, your financial
condition is bound to match some or other lender’s products.

Stretching ones finances too much will lead to a breakdown in
the financial condition. The vehicle is not the only
expenditure on your part. There are many more expenditures to
be borne by the customer. If the sum invested in the vehicle
exceeds, the other expenditures will have to be curbed.
Alternately, this would have an adverse effect on savings.

Therefore, the amount of secured loan must be decided with
care. Once inside the showroom, almost every vehicle looks
good. But one must vote for the vehicle that most suits his

The loans process:
If you thought there is little to an automobile loan after
making the decision to take it, then you are wrong. You are
still halfway in the loans process. The implementation part is
still remaining.

The first step in the loans process will be finding a suitable
lender. Though there is a single lender who offers automobile
loan, it is difficult to find the lender from the crowd of
lenders. The various lenders chosen have to pass through
various stages of screening to prove that they can provide the
loan at the best of terms. Online search significantly
simplifies the process of search. No obligation loan quotes
offered by the lenders too are of great help in the search

Once the lender is selected, the negotiations on the loans
begin. Details of the loan like the term of repayment, interest
charged, actual cost of the loan, amount of monthly or quarterly
repayments etc. are to be decided in this stage. This is the
most important step because this will decide how the loan fares
in the long run.

The borrowers are advised to tread cautiously in this stage.
The terms and conditions of the lenders must be read carefully.
Particular attention must be given to clauses which rule out
early or premature repayment with a penalty. All queries
regarding the loan must be immediately clarified to prevent
problems from emerging in the future.

The days ahead….
Has the loans process sucked most of your energy? You can rest
now because the days ahead are a smoother ride. You finally get
the resources to purchase the vehicle of your choice. Secured
automobile loans give borrowers a better bargaining power.
Regular repayments to the automobile loan can further assure a
smoother future. Taking a loan protection can be helpful in
full and final settlement of the secured automobile loans.

About the Author: Maria Smith has not been writing articles
from the beginning. But the increase in perplexing loans
information has urged her to write on different loans types. To
find a Loans UK,secured loans,unsecured loans,Debt consolidation
at low interest that best suits your needs visit
